Saturday, December 29, 2007

Post-Christmas Update

Hello, you two. First off, merry belated christmas, I was thinking of you both but wanted to think of a better way to let you know than a text message. I couldn't, so I'm left saying it late.

Christmas left me a little blue but mostly pensive, but that's how I get around the holidays. I also think I'm getting over a flu, which may account for my general laziness and holiday-induced anomie. I have a few ideas about our stuff already, but I think I'll let the thoughts simmer for a bit.

I think Gey Pin sounds terrific; I'd love to work with her again if we can come up with the money somehow.

In other news, I found my favorite pen, and got a great new dress for $3.00. I'm doing yoga with my mom tomorrow from 9:30-10:30, and after that could be available for talking online or on the phone. I've already started playing piano again, and though it's discouraging to have my skill level so depreciated, I'm slowly improving (I think).

Much love to you both!

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