Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Hi guys.

First up, yes, let's meet sometime this week. Maybe early morning breakfast at Ford News Cafe (on main st)? Might be fun. Anyways.

I feel like I have been relatively absent/distant from this process this week, and for that I am sorry. There's been some ridiculous stuff going on, that definitely warrants further conversation when we meet.

But for now, I will say that I've been thinking a lot about ego and art. This whole big love thing has made me think a lot about why I do theater. I am working through the role of my own ego in my drive to create, and I just want to tell you guys that I think both of you are role models in that regard. You both seem to want to do art for its own sake, and not for recognition/acceptance/bullshit, which I find incredibly inspiring. I am so, so excited to spend next semester creating with you guys, and experiencing the joy that comes from doing something pure with people that you love.

So yes, let's meet this week, to firm up the reading list, etc., and make plans for contact over break.

Love you both.



Asa said...


That was a really fucking awesome thing to say. Thank you so much.

Yes, I've also been thinking about this a lot. Why do I do this? What is it for?

And this is a good question to ask. Questions are nice.

I really think the Rilke quote down below you from the letter to a young poet is the thing I think of most in this regard.

Also, this Ukranian singer told me a story that when she was in her early thirties and a leading actress at a theater in a city in Ukraine she went to visit her grandmother in a tiny village in rural western Ukraine. In this village she met a shoemaker who made really amazing shoes and who had spend his whole life just making great shoes, but they were special and extraordinary. She saw these shoes and thought, "If I can't make theater like this it's better to be a shoemaker."

And so she left Ukraine and went and met Grotowski who was in Italy and so forth.

But yes, please, Ford News Cafe, how about Friday morning? Or Tomorrow afternoon.

Love also,


Asa said...

PS also had a hilarious dream that my mother saw our blog and was like

"Honey, I thought the plan for your theater company was that you and Hansel would find a bunch of gay fiction and make a play about it..."

M.M. said...

That is our next project:

working with Hansel to adapt gay fiction.

Brokeback mountain could be a really beautiful dance theater piece...

Asa said...

yeah, hansel on horseback in the mountains is something i can totally see...

also, mark i can't wait to hear what's kept you all holed up. Maybe when we hear from gedney, whatever rock she's under.

I'm going to go get under the "asa does his final music project that he had three weeks to do in the next 24 hours" rock. I will emerge at sunrise!


G.B. said...

I am under the "studying for early afam final and writing blackface paper" rock, but I can say that Mark's post made me tipsy with warmth . Asa, I think you'd told me that story before, and it's so good to hear it every now and again. What a great story.

Funny you should mention gay fiction, because I've been procrastinating by obsessively browsing wikipedia for the lesbian love affairs between upper echelon women in 1930s England, ie Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville-West, and Virginia Tufelis or something like that. I think Hansel would make a GREAT Virginia Woolf.

G.B. said...

Also, I have rehearsal starting at 10 on Friday morning, but I can do early early breakfast at Ford News. If the snow does not consume my house and car.