Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Juan Muñoz

I saw this sculpture installation by this guy Juan Munoz, one of a series called "Conversation Pieces." This one was "Last Conversation Piece." I've tried to get as many different views as possible on this:
I think we could get more out of the ideas behind this work than from the work itself. This description I found says it best:

"In 1989, Muñoz began his figurative “conversation pieces”-a Renaissance concept, revived by modern sculptors such as George Segal, in which one or more figures interact with their setting to generate a mood or narrative. Muñoz’s works invite interpretation, but their meaning is never fully explained, as the artist strove to create an enduring sense of mystery......

The figures in Last Conversation Piece stand directly on the ground, inviting viewers to become part of the action. Initially inspired by a ventriloquist’s dummy, these curious characters resemble stuffed toys, particularly the round-bottomed punching-bag clowns that bounce back up after being hit....."

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