Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thank you Annie's psych textbook

From my "Abnormal Psychology" textbook:

Depersonalization Disorder
Its central symptom is persistent and recurrent episodes of depersonalization, an alteration in one's experience of the self in which one's mental functioning or body feels unreal or foreign.
Brief case study:
"A 24-year-old graduate student sought treatment because he felt he was losing his mind. He had begun to doubt his own reality. He felt he was living in a dream in which he saw himself from without, and di not feel connected to his body or his thoughts. When he saw himself through his own eyes, he perceived his body parts as distorted--his hands and feet seemed quite large. As he walked across campus, he often felt the people he saw might be robots ... In his second session, he was preoccupied with his perception that his feet had grown too large for his shoes ... He said he had hesitated before returning for his second appointment, because he wondered whether his therapist was really alive."

This feeling might be something interesting for us to play with.

1 comment:

Asa said...

ahhahaha funny they call this a disorder. doubting ones reality? disorder?

fucking blessing, i think.