Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring Break!!!

Hello, everyone!

Writing to remind everyone of what our spring break assignments are, esp. because I've decided to revise them to make this all more egalitarian-like.

1) 2 minute etude: Create a 2 minute performance piece using an object we find over break. We should each look for an object with which we do not have a personal history, but we should each look for something that is very personally evocative. The etude can be a silent physical action, it can be dance, song, text: any or none of these. The important part is for us each to push ourselves to break past the patterns that we've already noticed ourselves falling into in rehearsal, and to commit to the use of the object we each find.

2) Review and even expand upon the two actions we came up with 1: after the grandparents house and 2: based on the text I gave everyone.

3) (THIS IS THE NEW AWESOME ONE). I've decided that a: I'm really busy over spring break and I worry about being the only one looking for text. b: it doesn't make much sense for me to be picking all the text, even if this is just a preliminary round-up. SO, I want us all to look for textual and visual research. I think it'd be best if we each start with the same texts, but of course bringing in additional research is always awesome. The sources I think we should look to first are:

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Murakami)
Kafka on the Shore (Murakami)
Sputnik Sweetheart (Murakami)
To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
Nobody belongs here more than you (July)

All this assignment is is amassing text we think has good performative potential for people who have just died and are trying to get a grasp on themselves/their surroundings. I hesitate to say we should just pick text we like, but because our play is at this point fairly vague it ALMOST boils down to that. So start posting text!

Let's also keep posting on what we think of these assignments, and if there are any ways to specify them/modify them so as to improve upon them.



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